
Enhancing Aerospace Efficiency and Safety with Fluoropolymer Tubing

Enhancing Aerospace Efficiency and Safety with Fluoropolymer Tubing

Fluoropolymer tubing has become a vital component in the aerospace industry, revolutionizing the way aircraft operate and ensuring both efficiency and safety. With its exceptional properties and reliability, this tubing material has found applications in critical areas such as fuel systems, hydraulic systems, and pneumatic systems.
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Product Deep Dive: Heat Exchanger Applications and Use

Product Deep Dive: Heat Exchanger Applications and Use

Heat exchangers are the unsung heroes of the food industry. They are responsible for proper refrigeration and sanitization. They heat water needed for good pasteurization and sterilization. Without heat exchangers, the quality of the food we eat daily would be...

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The benefits of fluoropolymer shell and tube heat exchangers

The benefits of fluoropolymer shell and tube heat exchangers

Fluorotherm offers a range of shell and tube heat exchangers. But what do they actually do, and what sets them apart from the rest?

The purpose of shell and tube heat exchangers is to transfer heat from one fluid to another. They are commonly used across a wide range of industries, including chemical processing, power generation, oil and gas, and HVAC.

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Fluoropolymers send us to space!

Fluoropolymers send us to space!

The materials used to travel in aerospace are chosen because they provide the essentials for smooth, efficient, and safe engineering. This is why it is so important to understand the benefits that can come from the use of fluoropolymers in...

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A guide to heat shrink tubing

A guide to heat shrink tubing

As the name suggests, Fluorotherm’s heat shrink tubing is a thermoplastic tube that constricts (i.e., shrinks) when exposed to high temperatures. The aptly named component protects the sensitive parts of mechanisms, and it is most commonly used around individual wires...

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How Fluorostore Supercharges Your Business with E-commerce

How Fluorostore Supercharges Your Business with E-commerce

The adoption of e-commerce in the business-to-business (B2B) sector is revolutionizing how companies make their purchases. Since 1999 when Amazon structured its business on e-commerce, online purchasing has been on the rise. Businesses continue to leverage e-commerce advantages in terms...

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